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120 items found for "mercy AND justice"

  • Deuteronomy 7:7-10 - Fully Merciful and Fully Just

    Don't fall in the trap of thinking God's mercy will negate His justice! Dig Deeper It's popular to pit God's mercy which brings people to salvation against His justice by which Yet at the same time, He remains true to His justice by repaying sin (notice the word 'repay' was used life to fully atone for your sin and fully satisfy God's justice. all those who remain in sinful Adam will experience nothing but God's holy wrath and justice.

  • Psalm 5:1-7 - The Loving God Who Hates

    Listen to passage & devotional: Belgic Confession of Faith, Article 20: The Justice and Mercy of God So God made known his justice toward his Son, who was charged with our sin, and he poured out his goodness and justice needed to be repeated often. Other people want to cling only to God's mercy, thinking that somehow the mean and vengeful God of justice As we'll see for the remainder of this week, the reason God can be both is because justice has been met

  • Romans 2:5-11 - Guilty as Charged

    You cannot receive mercy without justice, so to receive God’s grace, you have to first acknowledge your God requires that his justice be satisfied. There also should be some justice. Dig Deeper Justice is important. Sin needs to be held accountable. And that sin requires justice. It must be held accountable.

  • Exodus 34:1-16 - Separation Anxiety

    As the LORD makes Himself known to Moses, He announces both His mercy and justice: He is compassionate

  • 2 Corinthians 5:21 - Creative Salvation

    Listen to passage & devotional: Belgic Confession of Faith, Article 20: The Justice and Mercy of God So God made known his justice toward his Son, who was charged with our sin, and he poured out his goodness personally experienced it, until God made Him the very face of sin so that Jesus could experience God's justice and you could experience His mercy. This is a picture of God's love, justice and mercy at work.

  • Isaiah 53:1-6 - For You

    Listen to passage & devotional: Belgic Confession of Faith, Article 20: The Justice and Mercy of God in Christ We believe that God— who is perfectly merciful and also very just— sent his Son to assume the So God made known his justice toward his Son, who was charged with our sin, and he poured out his goodness and mercy on us, who are guilty and worthy of damnation, giving to us his Son to die, by a most perfect AAA Prayer (About) ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: Our Father, who is perfectly merciful and also very just—

  • Romans 3:21-26 - The 'Holy Grail'

    Listen to passage & devotional: Belgic Confession of Faith, Article 20: The Justice and Mercy of God in Christ We believe that God— who is perfectly merciful and also very just— sent his Son to assume the So God made known his justice toward his Son, who was charged with our sin, and he poured out his goodness and mercy on us, who are guilty and worthy of damnation, giving to us his Son to die, by a most perfect AAA Prayer (About) ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: Our Father, who demonstrated His justice against His Son so

  • Genesis 8:20-22 - Unsinkable Sin

    Was the great flood a symbol of God's justice, or His mercy? Yes. Summary Was the great flood a symbol of God's justice, or His mercy? Yes. God certainly was justified in raining His justice down upon His rebellious creation drop by drop until Well, not all life; God in His great mercy preserved the life of Noah, his family, and two of every kind AAA Prayer (About) ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: Our Father, who is fully just and fully merciful, and who

  • 1 Peter 2:21-25 - The 'So-That' Savior

    Listen to passage & devotional: Belgic Confession of Faith, Article 20: The Justice and Mercy of God in Christ We believe that God— who is perfectly merciful and also very just— sent his Son to assume the So God made known his justice toward his Son, who was charged with our sin, and he poured out his goodness and mercy on us, who are guilty and worthy of damnation, giving to us his Son to die, by a most perfect love, and raising him to life for our justification, in order that by him we might have immortality

  • Exodus 33:17-34:7 - God's Scary Comforting Goodness

    Is God just, or is He merciful? Yes. But isn’t God also merciful? A. God is certainly merciful, but he is also just. His justice demands that sin, committed against his supreme majesty, be punished with the supreme penalty but justice & punishment for those who remain in their guilt. No creature in heaven or earth can do this, but God can and did by pouring out His justice on His Son

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