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196 items found for "different translations"

  • Hebrews 11:1-3 - Certainty

    Summary You know it's an awesome word when every English translation of the Bible translates it a different Again, all of these are very good translations, and the fact that the idea being expressed here can be It's just one more example of the benefit of reading the Bible in multiple different translations ! doesn't just tell us what our faith is , but also what our faith does , and every single one of the translations above translates this phrase the exact same way (so that tells you something too): By faith we understand

  • Exodus 20:7 - Loose Lips

    Depending on the translation of scripture you are reading, the wording will look a bit different. the name of God” in their translation. The ESV (English Standard Version) and KJV (King James Version) translations instead translate this as The difference in translation does not necessarily equate to a disagreement in the meaning of Exodus 20:7; both translations bring out a different nuance of the Hebrew word that was originally written.

  • Philippians 2:5-7 - Humbled Savior

    It literally translates as himself he emptied. So what's going on here? Why did the NIV take what should have been a word for word translation and make it so different? The NIV utilizes what's known as a dynamic translation philosophy. Their goal isn't just to give a wooden translation of words, but to convey the thoughts and intent of So the NIV translated this phrase slightly differently, so that the reader would understand that Jesus

  • Psalm104:27-30 - The Giver

    What's the spiritual difference between you and your dog? All throughout the Bible, both in the Hebrew of the Old Testament and the Greek of the New (two very different Psalm 104 uses the Hebrew word rûaḥ twice, but all of the English translations properly translate each instance differently: 29 When you hide your face, they are terrified; when you take away their breath they die and return to the dust. 30 When you send your Spirit (rûaḥ), they are created, Just as these translators

  • Colossians 3:1-4 - Already but Not Yet

    Summary The NIV has an excellent translation of the opening words of Colossians 3. Whereas other translations render it "if you have been raised with Christ...," the NIV brings out the Since you've been raised with Christ, your life is different from non believers. Physically everything stays the same for now (which is why it's often so easy to forget you're different ), but mentally and spiritually, you're living in an entirely different world than other people, so it

  • John 14:15-27 - The Holy Advocate-Comforter-Counselor-Spirit

    The Holy Spirit works lots of different ways in you to accomplish your sanctification. Almost every English Bible translation uses a different word here to describe the title given to the With that literal meaning, you can see why all of the English translations are correct!

  • Psalm 32 - Blessed Assurance

    This is certainly a good translation, but I've come to appreciate aspects of the Lexham English Bible This nuance is captured in the New English Translation (NET): How blessed is the one whose rebellious But if the source of our happiness/blessedness is completely different than the world's source (self-fulfillment ), than the way to experience this happiness will look quite different as well.

  • Hebrews 12:18-24 - The catholic Church

    Summary Today's passage sets a stark contrast between two different types of God's covenant people. But the second group - the group that you and I are part of: the Church, have a far different experience We too have a mediator, just like Moses had promised, but this One is different; He represents a new The word church is one of our more useful words in English, in that we can use it to mean so many different The word translated as 'church' in our English Bibles is ἐκκλησία ( ekklēsia ).

  • 1 John 2:1-2 - Your Advocate

    When John uses the word paraklētos in His gospel, the translators struggle with it because the meaning of it is hard to capture with just one English word, and so it often gets rendered differently into All of those are good ways to describe who the Holy Spirit is and what He does, but all the different versions of the Bible agreed on the way to translate the use of the word paraklētos here in John's epistle

  • 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 - Stay Away

    Another way they suggest translating it is "Do not be mismatched ." most fundamental definition of what it means to be a regenerated Christian is that you've been made different cites no less than three Old Testament passages in which God commanded His people to be separate and different But you might think you're different; that somehow you're stronger in your faith than generation after God, and we are His people; A LIGN YOUR LIFE WITH GOD'S WILL: Pray for the strength and faith to be different

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