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196 items found for "different translations"

  • Galatians 4:1-7 - Ordinary Charismatics

    Summary The ancient Romans had a far different attitude toward their children than what we do today. Even a boy destined to inherit a vast estate grew up in such a way that was no different from anyone When he came of age, this boy, outwardly no different than the rest, would suddenly become an important

  • John 4:19-26 - Worship Wars

    How does the Lord’s Supper differ from the Roman Catholic Mass? A. (Judaism, Islam & Christianity), but the Christian Church itself is rent asunder with all sorts of different Division occurs when different expressions in how people worship begin to affect what they worship.

  • Leviticus 10:1-7 - Strange Fire

    critical error: they offered unauthorized fire before the LORD - meaning they had taken their coals from a different They were worshipping God in a way different from how He had commanded in His Word. As such, they were to live differently from those around them.

  • Acts 15:1-21 - Abolished Law

    that church disagreements are a modern phenomenon, but Acts 15 reminds us that Christians have come to different As we learned yesterday , even though it's not always easy, and good Christians come to different conclusions about different parts of God's law, it's critical to understand the distinctions the Church makes in

  • Galatians 1:1–10 - No Other Gospel

    are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different has left, he is shocked at the turn of events and how they have followed false teachers promoting a different Not even if an apostle, an angel, or anyone else can come with a different gospel.

  • Psalm 19:1-6 - Silent Speech

    All of God's wondrous creation has one unified goal that each aspect of it communicates in a slightly different Dig Deeper We understand that God communicates Himself to us in two different ways: through special revelation

  • Jeremiah 31:31-37 - Unchanging Goal

    But this time it would be different. But things would be different this time.

  • Jeremiah 32 - Buyers' Market

    of silver would be worth $160 in today's money), but even still, most of the guys who witnessed this transaction

  • John 1:1-18 - Eternal, Not Created

    Summary The gospel of John begins differently than the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. One of the differences between Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons and Christians is our understanding of

  • Galatians 2:16 - Just-As-If-I'd

    of those words certainly describe important aspects of Christianity, but I think Paul would choose differently Thankfully you don't need to look far for its meaning; all you need to do is pronounce it slightly differently

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