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196 items found for "different translations"

  • Acts 10:23-26 - Saint or saint?

    of this paragraph: " sheer unbelief has led to the practice of dishonoring the saints... " (another translation

  • Matthew 16:13-20 - No Salvation Apart From The Church

    Catholics & Protestants agree there's no salvation apart from the Church, but for very different reasons You can see the slight difference in the Greek words. that Simon Peter is the rock that the church is built on, or is 'this rock' that Jesus refers to a different But the two groups take very different paths in arriving at this conclusion.

  • Psalm 127:1-2 - Daily Dependence

    Vain isn't a word we use very often, and its definition has different senses. times we might refer to a pompous, arrogant person as being vain, but here the word is being used in a different We have a dualistic tendency in us as well, in which we tend to think of our physical needs as being different

  • Micah 5:1-5 - Christmas in March

    But this King would be very different than David. Certainly people do follow lots of different internal leaders, each time thinking that this one will be different. But He's different. His "origins are from old..." In other words, He's eternal.

  • Matthew 16:13-20 - Are We Really Catholics?

    You can see the slight difference in the Greek words. that Simon Peter is the rock that the church is built on, or is 'this rock' that Jesus refers to a different Dig Deeper The doctrine of the Church (known as ecclesiology) is one of the primary differences between But understand the Apostles' Creed far predates the formal RCC, so it's referring to something different

  • 1 Thessalonians 2:13 - Audible Authority

    The Bible is different than anything else ever written, and it's at work in you! But they recognized that the Gospel was different. Dig Deeper Paul goes on to remind the Thessalonians and us that not only is the Bible different than

  • 2 Timothy 3:12-17 - Breathed Out

    Why is it that reading a bunch of ancient words, written by men who lived in vastly different cultures are the very words of God, breathed out by the Holy Spirit through ordinary men comprised of vastly different Because its divine origin makes Scripture so much different than anything else ever written, it is the

  • Matthew 18:10-14 - Sought & Saved

    another, it makes sense that both Matthew and Luke report Jesus telling this particular parable in far different These different contexts change the meaning and application of the parable. Everyone reading this was found by the Good Shepherd in a different spot.

  • Exodus 19:3-6 - Treasured Possession

    If you feel different than the world around you, realize it's because your head is wet. One of the key purposes in all of those Old Testament laws was to make God's people look really different This means that we must raise our children differently than the world does, and that they from the moment

  • Deuteronomy 18:13-21 - God's Representatives

    Summary One of the key traits God desires from His followers is that they live differently than the people ungodly people, which is why God emphasizes the importance of His people leading lives that visibly differ of the Bible was written by prophets, and although they represented the voice of God in all sorts of different Pray for the discernment to test everything you hear against scripture, and for the courage to live differently

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