Scripture Index
251 items found for "perfect righteousness"
- Proverbs 28:13-14 - True Christians Fight
the distinguishing marks of Christians: namely by faith, and by their fleeing from sin and pursuing righteousness Dig Deeper Our Confession helps explain that a true Christian is not marked by a life of perfect holiness It's only as you realize the perfect holiness and righteousness of your creator that you come to recognize
- Ephesians 4:29-32 - License to Kill
Jesus teaches that we must have surpassing righteousness, a feat we're not capable of on our own, but gift is pure grace, it does come with strings attached: we're now expected to live and look like the perfectly righteous people we've been declared to be. Not only does grace declare us to be righteous and holy, but it also equips us to live accordingly.
- Hebrews 4:13-16 - Mediated Confidence
we have no access to God except through the one and only Mediator and Intercessor: Jesus Christ the Righteous basis of our own dignity but only on the basis of the excellence and dignity of Jesus Christ, whose righteousness who represents the people to God, and your confidence before God comes from the fact that you have a perfect and why it's so important, you can cling to its gospel promises because you know your intercessor perfectly
- 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 - What’s on your resume?
Only Christ’s satisfaction, righteousness, and holiness make me right with God. And I can receive this righteousness and make it mine in no other way than by faith alone. The only resume that matters is that of Jesus Christ and if we claim His satisfaction, holiness, and righteousness not the value of your faith that makes the difference, but the one whom you put your faith in, the perfect
- Matthew 27:46 - Never Alone
in his final moments: the weight of sin which was not his; paying a debt that he did not incur; the righteous The cross is the perfect example of that truth. Through Jesus’ suffering and death, we see the perfect love that God has for his people. He lived a perfect life; he never sinned.
- Galatians 3:10-14 - Law / Gospel
Your law keeping must be perfect to please our perfect Lawgiver. clear what God's expectations for you are, and thereby pronouncing a curse on you since you haven't perfectly By reminding you of God's unchanging, perfectly righteous requirement, the law keeps you clinging to AAA Prayer (About) ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: Our Father God, whose Law is perfect; ALIGN YOUR LIFE WITH
- Romans 13:8-10 - The Law Fulfiller
truths of the Bible comes near the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount where Jesus indicates that the righteousness First, praise God that Jesus has already fulfilled your coventantal obligation to perfectly abide by In this way, everyone who trusts in Christ alone has the all surpassing righteousness that God requires Secondly, the grace that included you in the righteousness of Christ also equips you to live out all In this way, you're personal righteousness must surpass the Pharisees.
- Galatians 3:10-13 - From Curse to Crucifixion
The reason being, no one can keep the law perfectly. Yet Jesus kept the law perfectly. He never sinned. How did Jesus become cursed when he kept the law perfectly? Because he was crucified on the cross. AAA Prayer (About) ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: Our Father, the holy judge who justifies the righteous; ALIGN WITH GOD'S WILL: Thank God that although you are unable to keep the law, your Savior provided you the righteousness
- 2 Corinthians 5:11-21 - Ambassadors of Reconciliation
verses later in v21: God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness He was the perfect sacrifice, offered once on the cross, for your sins and salvation. this amazing act of love, Jesus, who was unjustly condemned, became sin so that you might become the righteousness
- Matthew 6:5-13 - AAA Prayer
we have no access to God except through the one and only Mediator and Intercessor: Jesus Christ the Righteous basis of our own dignity but only on the basis of the excellence and dignity of Jesus Christ, whose righteousness behalf, there's not much that we need to do ourselves; after all, what more can we add to the already perfect