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409 items found for "make every effort"

  • 2 Corinthians 5:15-18 - The 'Other' Part of Christianity

    produced in man by the hearing of God’s Word and by the work of the Holy Spirit, regenerates him and makes Therefore, far from making people cold toward living in a pious and holy way, this justifying faith, This change brought about by Jesus' death extends to every aspect of life. As such, your life must now reflect Christ in every way. We call this lifelong process sanctification , a word which literally means to make holy.

  • Romans 5:12-15 - Original & Ongoing

    grace and mercy— not to put them to sleep but so that the awareness of this corruption might often make Certainly that 'O-G' sin in which Adam and his wife ate the forbidden fruit is the origin of every sin In other words, Adam's transgression did not just make him a sinner, rather it infected the entire world Understanding the doctrine of original sin helps make sense of the frustrated mess we see in our own AAA Prayer (About) ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: Our Father, who makes grace possible for those infected by

  • Colossians 2:13-14 - Madealivewith

    depravity which even infects small infants in their mother’s womb, and the root which produces in man every grace and mercy— not to put them to sleep but so that the awareness of this corruption might often make Our instinct is to make our repentance the catalyst in the salvific process: first a person is convicted From that point on, Adam, Eve and every one of their offspring has been "dead in their sins," unable dead in our sins; ALIGN YOUR LIFE WITH GOD'S WILL: Pray that you live in such a way that makes your

  • 1 Timothy 2:1-4 - All Sorts of Prayers for All Sorts of People

    This doesn't mean that every time you pray you need to check off all four of these boxes, rather the Pray in every situation that you find yourself in. You probably know how hard it is to make decisions that affect others! How comforting would it be to know those people were praying for you, even as you make decisions they Pray for God's blessing in every area of their life.

  • 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 - Benediction-Extender

    And so, Lord, uphold us and make us strong with the strength of your Holy Spirit, so that we may not But notice who it is that's aligning you: God Himself is sanctifying you, making your life reflect who It's not a team effort that you help implement. It takes that blessing you often receive at the beginning of the week and extends it over you, shielding

  • Romans 6:1-4 - Disgusting Logic

    recognized if it has the following marks: The church engages in the pure preaching of the gospel; it makes You're no longer a lost sinner whose every inclination is evil. identity as a person and makes him fundamentally different. She will more and more be disgusted by sin in every form and not want to be near it, much less dwell Instead, use every bit of energy you have to pursue things that are right and good and holy, which matches

  • Ephesians 2:1-5 - Dead, Not Sick

    by nature deserving of wrath. 4 But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, 5 made depravity which even infects small infants in their mother’s womb, and the root which produces in man every grace and mercy— not to put them to sleep but so that the awareness of this corruption might often make The bigger problem is the holy wrath of God, whose perfectly just nature makes it necessary for Him to The point of every chapter and every verse of the Bible is to help you understand the hopeless condition

  • Matthew 6:5-15 - Extending Grace

    Actually, we increase our guilt every day. A customer would bring an item to the layaway department, and make a small payment on that item. What would it be like to go to the layaway department to make your final payment on the item, only to every day! Just because you sin, and your sin increases every day, does not mean that you should stop asking for

  • Hebrews 10:11-14 - It is Finished

    Every day, morning and evening, they made sacrifices on behalf of the people. Over and over, every day, the priests were at work making sacrifices to God. between the priests constantly standing and working away in a job that would never be complete, and Jesus making He has made way for us to be sanctified and to enter God’s holy presence where He is. So even though we add to our guilt every day (Q&A 13), Christ has made the complete and eternal payment

  • 1 Corinthians 15:21-22 - Only Two Choices

    depravity which even infects small infants in their mother’s womb, and the root which produces in man every grace and mercy— not to put them to sleep but so that the awareness of this corruption might often make Paul, writing by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, makes that exceedingly clear: "In Adam, all die. These words come to announce the good news that the resurrection of the dead and new life in Christ are every These verses help make clear that there are only two types of people in this world: those who are in

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