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Scripture Index

140 items found for "atonement"

  • Hebrews 7:22-28 - Once For All

    then cleaning it up, day after day, all while knowing you could never kill enough animals to fully atone If you're struggling with this difficult concept, please don't struggle alone.

  • Romans 9:15-21 - God's Mercy, Not Your Effort

    come in a book, that more clearly than any other book in the Bible, describe how it is that Christ atoned

  • Deuteronomy 7:7-10 - Fully Merciful and Fully Just

    endless mercy for His covenant people, God sent His one and only Son to pay with His life to fully atone

  • Hebrews 2:14-18 - Our Brother in Heaven

    Certainly the primary reason the Son of God became man was "to make propitiation (atonement / payment

  • Genesis 3:20-24 - Forbidden Fruit

    temple until the very people God created and provided for would kill One whose blood would finally atone

  • Isaiah 49:5-7 - The Eternal Church

    on up, are members of the Church since they too are saved by God's grace made possible by Christ's atonement

  • Psalm 145 - You Can Open Your Eyes Now

    , through faith alone, because of Christ alone, all of which we learn through Scripture alone, to which we give God alone all of the glory. These tenants are often referred to as The Five Solas (alones) of the Reformation). Many Christians would reply that they have their faith in Christ alone, and that certainly would be a But Psalm 145 helps remind us that there's more to the answer; our faith is not just in Christ alone,

  • Titus 2:11-15 - Hard Working Grace

    Your will alone is good. In other words, it teaches us that, as the catechism puts it, "God's will alone is good." The Christian life - fueled from the very beginning by this gift of grace alone, delivered through faith alone, because of the work of Christ alone - is a life that increasingly learns how to pray with conviction

  • Revelation 22:12-16 - Pay Day!

    Your salvation is based on grace alone, through faith alone, so you must place all of your trust in Christ alone, since as we learned a few days ago, even your best efforts are tainted with sin and on their give to them the reward He's promised: peace with God; But to those who've not only trusted in Christ alone Trust in Him alone for salvation for sure, but also take full advantage to increase your reward by using

  • Colossians 1:15-20 - Ex Nihilo

    The world is NOT a mass of randomly evolving atoms. God created all that is for a purpose! But just like in the work of creation, the Father doesn't work alone, rather it is "in the Son that all

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