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Scripture Index

251 items found for "perfect righteousness"

  • Genesis 2:4-18 - The CoW

    First, by his resurrection he has overcome death, so that he might make us share in the righteousness of perfect obedience. If you want everlasting life & enjoyment, you must give God everlasting, perfect obedience. And since you share in Christ's righteousness, you can be confident that you to will live forever in ACKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS: Our covenant God, the creator of all that is who has called us to a life of righteousness

  • Philippians 3:7-9 - Surpassing Value

    things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ 9 and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from to reconcile ourselves with God than this one and only sacrifice, once made, which renders believers perfect of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from What Christ has done for you - having clothed you in His righteousness alone through His atoning death

  • Romans 10:1-4 - Ignorant Zealousness

    they are zealous for God, but their zeal is not based on knowledge. 3  Since they did not know the righteousness of God and sought to establish their own, they did not submit to God’s righteousness. 4  Christ is the culmination of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes. Know that your righteousness is based on Christ having fulfilled the law on your behalf, and base your AAA Prayer (About) A CKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS : Our Father, who expects all people to submit to His righteousness

  • Galatians 2:16 - Just-As-If-I'd

    that our blessedness lies in the forgiveness of our sins because of Jesus Christ, and that in it our righteousness God is contained, as David and Paul teach us when they declare that man blessed to whom God grants righteousness This is how God sees you: as one who has perfectly fulfilled the covenant God entered into with Adam in which God promised to give man life as long as man gave God perfect obedience. AAA Prayer (About) A CKNOWLEDGE WHO GOD IS : Our Father, who calls all people to perfect obedience;

  • Psalm 32 - Practical & Relevant

    No one in this life can obey the Ten Commandments perfectly: why then does God want them preached so we may come to know our sinfulness and the more eagerly look to Christ for forgiveness of sins and righteousness stop striving to be renewed more and more after God’s image, until after this life we reach our goal: perfection God's redemptive power at work, causing us to "more eagerly look to Christ for forgiveness of sins and righteousness

  • Psalm 143 - Aggressive Prayer Pattern

    1  LORD, hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy; in your faithfulness and righteousness come to my relief. 2  Do not bring your servant into judgment, for no one living is righteous lead me on level ground. 11  For your name’s sake, LORD, preserve my life; in your righteousness Although David appeals to God's faithfulness and righteousness, he really doesn't formally a cknowledge David asks God to not bring your servant into judgment, for no one living is righteous before you.

  • 1 Peter 2:21-25 - The 'So-That' Savior

    . 24 “He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness Confession of Faith, Article 20: The Justice and Mercy of God in Christ We believe that God— who is perfectly goodness and mercy on us, who are guilty and worthy of damnation, giving to us his Son to die, by a most perfect writes, “He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness ALIGN YOUR LIFE WITH GOD'S WILL: Pray that you'll follow in Jesus' steps, and die to sin and live for righteousness

  • Romans 10:1-4 - Zealous Ignorance

    up to God’s perfect standard. As Paul writes, “For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes”. Secondly, Jesus marks for believers an end to our attempts to pursue righteousness via the law. Trust not in yourself for righteousness, but in Jesus. , and you sent your Son that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes.

  • Galatians 4:4-5 - The God-Man

    law, and while all other humans are found guilty of transgressions according to that law, Jesus alone perfectly God’s plan of salvation requires a Savior who was born under the law and who perfectly kept the law. Essentially, our redemption is dependent on a perfect human exchanging our sin for his righteousness. Since there are no perfect humans, God provided one for us by sending his Son into the world to bring

  • Hebrews 7:21-25 - Pleading Your Cause

    Those whose faith is rooted in Christ have fully met the righteous contingency required to live in peace , but keeping this salvation is to come to God through Jesus by completely trusting not just in His righteousness Deeper Imagine if passages like this one were not in the Bible; if all you had was the initial gift of righteousness from Jesus, but then He said something to the effect of, "Ok, I've paid the debt of your sins and made If you just keep this righteousness I've given to you, my Father will be obligated to accept you on my

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