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Scripture Index

Tip: Search for passages using the full book name - Philippians not Phil. 

515 items found for "make every effort"

  • Matthew 6:25-34 - Don't Worry

    “Give us today our daily bread” means, Do take care of all our physical needs so that we come to know Jesus isn't calling you to take a life long vacation as you count on your daily bread getting shipped Instead, Jesus calls you to seek first His kingdom and righteousness, and He makes an extraordinary promise Dig Deeper Jesus here is telling you to make a shift in attitude more so than a change in your daily

  • 1 Corinthians 1:10-13 - Indivisible

    You trust the Word of God, every time. Our faith is in Jesus Christ and in no one or nothing else.

  • 1 Peter 2:11-12, 3:1-2 - Walking Billboards

    to the emperor, propagation of unlawful customs, defamation of the (pagan) gods, and general trouble making Christ within a system that challenged your faith; presenting the Gospel in the best possible light takes When someone makes your life difficult, before you retaliate, remember the encouragement of Peter.

  • 1 Corinthians 12:1-6 - Because He Said So

    This renewal process looks different in every person; some are quite obviously gifted while others have

  • John 17:1-5 - Brain Buster

    that Jesus Christ, according to his divine nature, is the only Son of God— eternally begotten, not made The apostle says that “God made the world by his Son.” those viewpoints, but you don't need to wonder or speculate Jesus' primary reason for coming, since He makes

  • Luke 16:13-15 - You Can't Fool God

    That is enough to cover all our sins and to make us confident, freeing the conscience from the fear, The point here is that we take our very refined ability to outwardly look very differently than we inwardly So our Confession warns, if you try to appear before God relying on your ability to make yourself look

  • Colossians 3:1-4 - Already but Not Yet

    First, by his resurrection he has overcome death, so that he might make us share in the righteousness mentally and spiritually, you're living in an entirely different world than other people, so it only makes What that means is that even though your life is most certainly hidden in Christ at this very moment,

  • 2 Corinthians 5:11-21 - Ambassadors of Reconciliation

    Dig Deeper The passage ends this way a few verses later in v21: God made him who had no sin to be sin Jesus was innocent, so He is the one person who has ever lived who did not deserve to die. It is your duty, as a child of God, to make him known to a sin filled world. You were condemned.

  • Psalm 51 - The Invitation Still Stands

    Realize how filthy your sins have made you, and that God is justified in His anger against you (v4). and restore David, who's terrible sin quite likely had far worse consequences than any wrong you've ever So make David's prayer of repentance in Psalm 51 your own and accept His gracious invitation to remember

  • Jeremiah 31:31-37 - Unchanging Goal

    Israel falling into sin and invoking judgment upon themselves... that part is just as consistent as ever Sinful people can't be made holy by following rules. God would be faithful to His people. the words "hallowed be your name," or words similar to it, you're praying that God will continue to make

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