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148 items found for "psalm 19"

  • Psalm 51 - The Invitation Still Stands

    what it means to confess and repent from sin as David, inspired by the Holy Spirit, wrote the 51st Psalm This psalm is a model of the attitude that you must have as you prepare for participation in the Lord's So make David's prayer of repentance in Psalm 51 your own and accept His gracious invitation to remember

  • Psalm 122 - Let Us Go To The House of the LORD

    Psalm 122 (NIV) A song of ascents. David reminds us here in this 122nd psalm that quite the opposite is true, writing "I was glad when Psalm 122 is part of a grouping of fifteen psalms known as the Psalms of Ascent. You can still sense the eager anticipation that they sung these Psalms with! delighted and meditated upon the law of the Lord (Psalm 1)?

  • Psalm 121 - Lift Your Eyes

    Summary Psalm 121 is a Song of Ascent - one of the psalms that Jewish people traveling to Jerusalem would Dig Deeper This Psalm is a beautiful reminder of God's care and providence in any context, but especially In all this, add Psalm 121 to the soundtrack of your life.

  • Psalm 110 - Right Hand Man

    Friday with a description of Jesus' triumphal homecoming into heaven written 1,000 before it happened in Psalm If Psalm 24 were the only passage from scripture we had, it would be sufficient for us to live confidently Passages like Psalm 110 are necessary to round out our understanding of Him, and to remind us to worship Yet it sure doesn't seem that Psalm 110 is accurate in our day and age.

  • Psalm 119:1-8 - Seriousness of Purpose

    Summary Psalm 119 is a celebration of God's Word, and this opening strophe expresses this multiple ways Even as massive as what Psalm 119 is, it boils down to a theme that remains consistent throughout the Psalms, which is best expressed in the second verse of the first Psalm: Blessed is the man... whose Yesterday, Psalm 143 reminded us that nobody (besides Jesus) is able to live perfectly righteously, but

  • Psalm 51:10-12 - Demolition & Construction

    Earlier in Psalm 51, David asks for his sins to be washed away (v3), and his iniquity to be blotted out David wrote Psalm 51 roughly 1,000 years before Jesus lived, so David had no way of understanding the

  • Psalm 127:1-2 - Daily Dependence

    The answer appears to be found in the shalom that is a running motif in the Psalms of Ascent. Certainly there is a distinction between the two, but Psalm 127 helps remind us that true shalom depends

  • Psalm 103 - Forgiveness isn't New

    Psalm 103 is an excellent reminder that such a bifurcated approach to the Bible is totally inaccurate

  • Psalm 139:1-12 - Wonderful Lofitness

    In this familiar Psalm, David keys in on God's omniscience, that is, His knowledge of all things, and

  • Psalm 51:3-6 - Guilty As Charged

    But David here in Psalm 51 reminds you once again that guilt, as painful as it can be, is actually a

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