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148 items found for "psalm 19"

  • Psalm 143:1-6 - Unattainable?

    Psalm 143:1-6 (NIV) 1  LORD, hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy; in your faithfulness We've seen before in the Psalms how David also utilizes these same three elements in his prayer-based psalms, but, as is the case today, he likes to throw them into a poetic blender so that it becomes This is the focus of so many of David's psalms: asking God to restore the shalom in their relationship Dig Deeper When we read Psalm 143 last year , we noted that it sure seems like David wrote this psalm

  • Psalm 1 - Godly Hate

    Summary The first two Psalms in the Psalter were not placed there randomly. They form an executive summary of sorts for the 148 psalms that follow them. They beautifully describe who you were created to be, and even more so, these two psalms describe the Quite the opposite: Psalm 139 teaches you to hate those who hate the Lord.

  • Psalm 143 - ḥěʹ·sěḏ Love

    Summary Although it's impossible to know for sure, it seems that David wrote Psalm 143 late in life. share of bad decisions, but it would make sense that this man, who'd by this point written so many psalms

  • Psalm 63 - Thirsty Worship

    Summary Psalm 63 presents some of the most beautiful language ever written, conveying what our attitude

  • Psalm 46 - Where the Most High Dwells

    Psalm 46 (NIV) For the director of music. Of the Sons of Korah. According to alamoth. Summary Psalm 46 is familiar and well loved for a couple of reasons. One big reason that Psalm 46 resonates the way it does is because of how it accurately describes the But all of this verbal thunder is offset by the peaceful advice Psalm 46 provides. God's presence is reiterated in the psalm's two identical refrains: The LORD Almighty is with us...

  • Psalm 139 - Omnipresent Comfort

    Summary The 139th Psalm is one of the most beautiful of them all. This Psalm reminds us of the value each individual has. On one hand, Jesus tells us to love our enemies, but yet the Holy Spirit, speaking through David in Psalm meditating on how those commands are actually not contradictory, but the primary reason we've come to Psalm

  • Psalm 90:1-4 - Indescribable

    Moses is uniquely qualified to write a Psalm like this, describing God's eternal infiniteness. This is one of the reasons the introduction to Psalm 90 calls Moses "the man of God."

  • Psalm 15 - Even When It Hurts

    This short Psalm answers life's most important question. No creature is worthy of such honor Summary In this short Psalm, David asks the most important question So David's question here in Psalm 15 ought to interest you greatly. As we come to Psalm 15 in the context of understanding the third commandment, our attention is focused The good news is that Psalm 15 is not about you.

  • Psalm 5 - Intolerant Prayers

    Summary The 5th Psalm is known as the Morning Prayer, as it records David laying out his requests before Dig Deeper We come to Psalm 5 today in the context of a warning, being reminded that God will not permit

  • Psalm 8 - The Way It’s Supposed to Be

    Psalm 8 reflects on Genesis 1 and calls us to praise God for his glory revealed in His good creation Psalm 8 gives us a picture of how things are supposed to be between God and man and man and creation.

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