Scripture Index
140 items found for "atonement"
- 1 Peter 2:11-12, 3:1-2 - Walking Billboards
We have been delivered from our misery by God’s grace alone through Christ and not because we have earned
- Matthew 6:25-34 - Don't Worry
And so help us to give up our trust in creatures and to put trust in you alone.
- 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 - Freedom is Expensive
You need to hear over and over again that your salvation is found in Christ alone.
- Hebrews 11:1-3 - Certainty
And therefore we justly say with Paul that we are justified “by faith alone” or by faith “apart from
- Romans 16:17-20 - Watch Out & Keep Away
Are their motivations set on glorifying Christ alone, or is their overriding goal building themselves
- 1 Corinthians 15:21-22 - Only Two Choices
the creation narrative transforms into the phrase "and he died," repeated eight times in Genesis 5 alone
- Romans 14:7-9 - You Belong
But on the other, we hate to be alone.
- Matthew 10:37-39 - Hard Sayings of Jesus
That I sincerely acknowledge the only true God, trust him alone, look to him for every good thing humbly
- Isaiah 57:15-21 - Peace, Peace, to those Far & Near
Yet this transcendent (over all things) God doesn't live in a high and holy place alone.
- Romans 4:4-5 - Credited
And therefore we justly say with Paul that we are justified “by faith alone” or by faith “apart from