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196 items found for "different translations"

  • Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 - The Sabotaged Church

    He points out that the weeds aren't obviously different from the wheat plants, so there's a risk of losing Right before harvest, when the differences between the wheat and weeds become more evident, the workers

  • 2 Chronicles 30:1-9 - Call To Worship

    people were freed from their slavery, God told them that they were to be a holy people, set apart and different One of the key ways they were to look different was by assembling together often to be reminded that

  • Matthew 6:5-13 - AAA Prayer

    As we read through the Bible, we can pray God's Word back to Him in ways that are different each day, As we go through each chapter together, we often leave this third heading blank as all of us have different

  • Matthew 28:16-18 - Some Doubted.

    Dig Deeper A person who truly encounters Jesus will go forward in life in one of two very different Reliable extra-biblical sources tell of how others brought the gospel to different parts of the world

  • 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 - Good Debt

    reminded that our Christian experience, in which we've been raised in the faith from the earliest age, is different When we read this same passage a couple of weeks ago , we looked at it from a slightly different angle

  • Hebrews 7:22-28 - Once For All

    How does the Lord’s Supper differ from the Roman Catholic Mass? A. Dig Deeper For all the differences between the Roman Catholic Church and Reformed churches (or protestant

  • 1 Corinthians 8:4-6 - From God, For our Father, Through Christ

    In response to the Corinthians' query, Paul said that in most cases, this wasn't a sinful transaction

  • Exodus 20:15 - Short Verse, Big Implications

    At different times I’ve had money, property, or bank card information stolen from me.

  • Exodus 34:1-16 - Separation Anxiety

    By God's grace, you're different than the world. So separate yourself from it. Certainly your circumstances are far different from those of these Israelites making their way through

  • 1 Kings 19:3-18 - The LORD's Gentle Whisper

    But here on a different mountain, Elijah experienced His presence in a far different way.

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